Pioneers in bringing breakthrough biopharmaceuticals and biotechnologies available to all.

Brian Kelly

Chairman | Investor Relations

Brian Kelly

Founder, Extensive Sales Leadership, Investment Management, Raising Capital, Compliance

Paul Bodine

Chief Operating Officer

Paul Bodine

Business Architect, Operations Manager, Distribution and E-Commerce Guru, Startup Specialist

Douglas Thomas

Chief Scientific Officer

Douglas Thomas

Biopharmaceutical Research, Drug Development, Manufacturing, Business Development, Holds 45+ Biopharma Patents

Lori Peterson

Scientific Advisor

Lori Peterson

Epidemiologist and Molecular Geneticist, Leads Research & Development and Clinical Trials, Holds 12 Biopharma Patents

Nishil Patel

Investment Advisor

Nishil Patel

Experienced Leader with 15+ Years in Business Development, Procurement and Management

Neil Choudri

Chief Technology Officer

Neil Choudri

20+ Years of Experience in Commercial Due Diligence, Quantitative Analytics, Valuation and Algorithmic Investing